The Mental Magic of Cardio Exercise

If you still think of yourself as the kid who shuffled around the track with your friends during gym class, a high energy cardio workout is probably not high on your To-do list. On the other hand, you know how important it is to get the blood pumping when you can. “Move it or lose it,” as they say.
But did you also know that aerobic exercise is equally as good for your mind as it is for your body? For many of our members, the mental magic is the motivating factor that keeps them coming back to Body Machine Fitness. Well that, and the sneaky science we use called “brain entrainment.”
Body Machine Fitness is the only gym in the world that uses neuroscience to hack the brain to crave—not just endure—exercise. We think that’s pretty magical, and you will too.
Closer To a Real ‘High’ Than You Might Think
It’s a common misconception that endorphin hormones produce the “runner’s high” effect experienced after cardio exercise. It’s unlikely that this euphoric state can be attributed to endorphins, according to one Johns Hopkins School of Medicine source, because endorphins don’t cross the blood-brain barrier.
A strong theory is that this euphoria is generated by endocannabinoids, biochemical substances the body naturally produces that are remarkably similar to cannabis and act on the same body system. “Runner’s high” turns out to be a spot-on name for cardio’s mental health perks.
So Powerful It Literally Grows Your Brain
In one University of British Columbia study, researchers found regular aerobic exercise increased the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that handles verbal memory and learning. Other studies have shown that people who exercise have more developed prefrontal and medial temporal cortices, which process thinking and memory.
“Even more exciting is the finding that engaging in a program of regular exercise of moderate intensity over six months or a year is associated with an increase in the volume of selected brain regions,” Dr. Scott McGinnis, a neurologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, told the Harvard Medical School health blog. He added that any activity that gets blood pumping has these health benefits.
In May of 2022, the Journal of Sport and Health Science reviewed the immediate effect of high-intensity exercise a molecule called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF helps repair brain cells and make new brain cells, which is linked to neuroplasticity and neural connectivity. It starts after your very first class and keeps working for you long after your post-workout shower. In this way, cardio is like stretching for your brain, making it more flexible.
Strongest When Repeated
The secret to getting the most out of cardio is consistency–and lucky for BMF members, the keys to consistency are built into every workout. The intentionally designed music and light show that accompanies our HITT sessions stimulates the brain’s pleasure pathways, so staying consistent goes from a challenge to something as natural as breathing.
Breathing during cardio exercise is essentially like doing weight reps for your heart and vascular system, and the more you perform, the more you get out of it. Just getting to an exercise class can sometimes be one of the biggest barriers to developing a fitness routine. BMF’s community-oriented classes are variable and lively because getting to your workout should be a pleasure, not a chore.
Experience The Magic with Us
BMF is a gym like no other you’ve been to before! We invite you to attend your first group fitness classes in Plano or group fitness classes in Ft. Worth absolutely free, so you can see what it means to pair brain science with a full-body workout.
Why Are Music and Lights Important at Body Machine Fitness?

Picture this: You walk into a group fitness class, the room is saturated in a soft red glow, and the unmistakable thump of a pulsating beat fills the air. You’re not entering a nightclub; you’re embarking on a fitness journey that’s about to redefine your idea of working out.
At Body Machine Fitness, we’re not just a gym; we’re an immersive fitness experience. From the moment you step into the studio, you’re transported into a world where music and lights take center stage.
But why are these elements so crucial?
Let’s delve into why music and lights are so important at BMF and the world of group fitness classes.
The Power of the Beat
Music and fitness have always shared a deep connection. At Body Machine Fitness, this connection is taken to the next level. The carefully curated playlists we create are more than just background noise; they’re the heartbeat of your workout!
The high energy workout music syncs with your movements, setting the pace and driving your energy levels. Fast-tempo tracks push you to conquer that last rep, while mellower tunes guide you through cool-downs and stretches.
The result? An exhilarating workout that feels less like a chore and more like dancing to infectious, mind-altering music.
Motivation in Every Note
Beyond the beat, music taps into the emotional core of your workout. It’s the motivational coach in your ear, urging you to push harder, go faster, and reach higher. It transforms your mindset, turning doubts into determination.
Whether you’re jumping, lifting, or planking, the right song can be the catalyst that propels you past your limits.
At BMF, music is more than just background; it’s the driving force behind your achievements.
BMF Lights Up Your Brain
Boost Performance and Focus
Our lights aren’t just thrilling to look at; they’re synchronized to get the best physical performance out of you. Think of your eyes like little brains outside of your skull. As they absorb the sensory input from the lights and your ears fill with music, you’re pushed into a high-beta brainwave state. Ever heard of fight or flight? The lights are a tool to control the Body Machine Fitness experience so your body stays primed to fight through the workout without running off the rails into flight mode.
Create Community and Connection
By merging movement, music, and light, Body Machine Fitness classes give way to a group collective nervous system, also called CNS. This shared experience makes you feel powerfully connected to your community and releases hormones such as serotonin and oxytocin to ensure you give your best for yourself and your fellow workout warriors.
Feel The Groove With BMF
Music and lights at BMF aren’t mere accessories; they’re indispensable tools in your physical and mental health journey.
By tapping into our brain’s reward centers, evoking positive emotions, and creating an immersive ambiance, this sensory combination makes working out not only beneficial for our bodies but also a source of genuine pleasure for our minds.
So, the next time you step into our studios, remember that the music and lights aren’t just there to accompany you—they’re there to elevate you! Come see for yourself and book a free class now in Ft. Worth or Plano.
How to Prevent Muscle Loss From Happening During the Holidays

You've been working out all year! Even when you were unmotivated, tired or unwell, and in every other difficult situation, you defeated your mental weakness and unleashed your inner beast.
While everybody else was still cozy in bed dreaming, you were out of bed, sweating, and ballin’ to make yours a reality.
You forged strength with each rep. Every mile you ran was a mile weakness trailed behind. And every day you crushed it in the studio was another day you got to call yourself a BMFer.
Now the holidays have shown up and are trying to get you to fall behind on your epic journey to become the very best version of yourself.
Parties, trips, shopping marathons and other holiday-related activities are attempting to interrupt your daily routines and restrict your workout time.
Muscle atrophy, or muscle loss, can happen as soon as your body goes 10 days without exercising (1). Three weeks of no exercise can also reduce your cardio fitness (2).
Let’s look at some tips to kick muscle atrophy’s a** during the holiday break.
You Can Always Workout, Everywhere and Anytime.
Except for extreme circumstances, there is always time to exercise. A one-hour workout is 4% of your day — so save your excuses for when you visit Granny.
Here is an excellent workout for hustlin’ when you’re on the move.
Running is also a great way to crush it while you are away. All you need are running shoes, headphones, your favorite playlist and a running app for your phone.
The Ol’ Protein Shake

The holidays are a tempting time to indulge in cookies, cakes and other carb-filled foods that can reduce your six-pack to a one-pack.
Instead, we recommend that you focus on protein rather than carbs and fats.
A good rule of thumb is to ensure your food contains at least 30% protein. If you want the deets, most studies suggest that 0.7 to 1 gram per pound of lean mass is optimal (3).
Protein will not only help you stay ripped, jacked and swole, but it can also help reduce cravings and aid in weight loss.
Pluggable Motivation!

The cold weather, the holiday programming, and the break from work obligations all entice you to stay in bed and forget all about getting double-cheeked up. Unfortunately, if your motivation level were displayed on your phone, it would be a thin red line on the battery icon pleading for a charger.
For your motivation lows, we recommend a totally safe and legal performance-enhancing drug called music.
Did you know music can reduce your perceived effort by 12% and improve your endurance by 15%? (4).
Because tunes and beats have such an impact on our performance, the U.S. Track and Field banned the use of headphones and portable audio in official races in 2007. One of the reasons for this is that music provides athletes with a "competitive edge."
So, put the blankie away, X out of Netflix, put your headphones on, and power through!
Whoever Said No Pain, No Gain, Has Never Been To Our Studio.

Don’t get us wrong; our workouts will make you sweat, push yourself, and make you use both arms to carry your coffee mug the next day.
But our black-belt in-house DJ’s beat abilities will entrance you. You won't dread the last rep; you’ll be twerking for it.
Stack an insane sound system and a hard-core light show on top of that, and you’ll think you're in a nightclub tearing it up in your stretchy clothes.
Any traces of a regular workout will be erased by our theatrically trained coaches; they will motivate you to activate “beast mode.”
The holidays are no excuse to let your gains slip away. Come to our studio and get that epic experience you're looking for.
The first class is free for first-timers. However, BMF is not responsible for any member that might become addicted to our classes or for rehabilitation costs.