What is a Total Body Workout Class?

A total body workout class targets all major muscle groups for maximum burn. Body Machine Fitness has mastered the art and science of a true full body workout (including the brain!). Our signature infusion of neuroscience takes our version of a “total body” workout into a whole new paradigm.
Join us for group fitness classes in Ft. Worth and Plano to experience the most exhilarating 45 dopamine-fueled minutes of your day.
Body Machine Fitness Takes “Total Body” Seriously
Full-body workout classes are popular because they are efficient. Though we dedicate three days each week to variations on designated “Full Body” workouts, even our classes designed to target upper or lower muscle groups will inevitably meet total body workout criteria.
With intervals of muscle conditioning and cardio bursts, every BMF class is designed to help you:
- Build strength
- Burn fat
- Boost your metabolism
- Stay motivated
Totally Strong
Did you know that high-intensity strength training (HIIT) burns calories for up to 72 hours after you’re done? That’s a pretty good deal for a mere 45 minutes of work!
Our world-class fitness professionals strategically vary weight, speed, duration, and reps in each class to keep your entire body guessing. Under their guidance, you will learn to maximize your energy expenditure, capitalize on your cardiovascular endurance, and sculpt your muscles.
Whether you are performing dynamic, functional movements or compound weight-bearing exercises, you’ll feel muscles in your body you never knew were so integral to your range of motion and overall strength.
Keep it up and your body will soon look better and feel stronger whether you’re sweating it out in the gym or proving it out on the street.
Warm-ups and cool-downs are built into every full body class to prepare you for the intensity to come and to help you avoid injuries. A body is only as strong as its latest injury, so we will encourage you to stretch, recover, and listen to what it needs to perform at its optimal level.
Totally Social
BMF is more than a gym—we’re a social club. The shared experience of sweating through a HIIT class together creates bonds that extend beyond the studio. As our members navigate the challenges of total body training, a support network forms. Sure, you may come to BMF for fitness, but you’ll leave with a new tribe and outlook on exercise and life.
Totally Stimulating
When we say total body, we mean your mind, too. Our science-backed classes were created by our master trainer to light up the motivation centers of your brain. Dopamine is the currency of well-being, and BMF uses lights, music, and motivation to ensure you get a healthy dose of it during every full-body workout.
That’s right: your brain-body connection is equally important to us as you achieving your physical goals. When we plug you into our Matrix, we in essence hack your brain so that you become fully present, committed, and ready to take on your next challenge. This full-sensory workout is addictive by design. Come in once or twice, and we predict we’ll be seeing you quite a bit.
It’s Time to Totally Change The Way You Work Out.
Your days of boring, repetitive workouts that don’t move the needle are done. Sign up for a free total body fitness class today and meet your new tribe at group fitness classes in Plano and Ft. Worth!
How to Develop a Lasting Workout Habit

We all know the science: working out makes us healthier, happier, and more energized. Despite this, the majority of Americans don’t exercise as much as they should.
Everyone wants to want to work out—the main roadblock is turning desire into doing. Only 8% of people successfully turn their New Year’s resolutions into habits. What do those people have that the other 92% don’t? Consistency.
The more consistently you do something, the more likely it is to become a habit. If exercising is a chore you struggle to look forward to, you need a new program that makes you want to show up every day.
Daily Habits Are Lasting Habits
A lack of willpower isn’t usually to blame when people try to form a habit and fail. Humans are wired to have enough willpower to make it through the first week or two of any task when we need to. The real culprit behind our tendency to start a new routine and stop is that we don’t condition the behavior deeply enough to take it from a daunting task to an automatic habit.
To understand why, let’s compare the exercise habits of two archetypes: we’ll call them Jack and Diane.
Jack: The Occasional Gym-Goer
Jack starts the new year with big ambitions to rediscover his lost love of exercise. He plans to hit the gym on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. He plans for 90-minute workouts focusing on a different muscle group each day. On Tuesday, Jack wakes up to the sound of his alarm and drives to the gym. Without him realizing it, his brain links waking up (his daily routine) to going to the gym.
But on Wednesday, Jack starts his day without exercising at all. His brain’s association with routine exercise is weaker now. This continues for several weeks and Jack still needs to force himself to get to the gym until he hits a wall and stops going altogether.
Diane: The Daily Gym Rat
Diane, on the other hand, schedules a workout class every day. She only goes for forty-five minutes, but she shows up without fail. When Diane’s alarm clock sounds, reaching for her gym bag is as natural as pouring her first cup of coffee. Her pattern is conditioned repeatedly until it is entirely automatic.
BMF Makes Developing Healthy Habits as Simple as Showing Up
You may have heard this maxim: Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Body Machine Fitness has our own rendition of this: Curiosity is what gets you started. Excitement is what keeps you going.
Our HIIT classes leverage the latest neuroscience to light up the motivation centers of your brain. Every rep encourages the dopamine production you need to take working out from a chore to the best part of your daily routine. We make sure you want to return again and again until showing up is automatic. After just a few group fitness classes in Ft. Worth or Plano, you too can become a Diane!
Ready For Your New Addiction?
Habits are easier to form when they’re gratifying. Experience the first workout capable of rewiring the brain to associate working out with pure excitement. A Body Machine Fitness membership means developing a lasting workout habit isn’t just possible–it’s unavoidable.
We offer group fitness classes in Plano and Ft. Worth. Sign up for a FREE science-backed fitness class today.
How Many Fitness Classes Should I Take a Week?

Because everyone’s bodies and fitness goals vary so widely among gym-goers, the answer to this question isn’t the same for everyone. It’s also important to remember that when it comes to your fitness journey, recovery is just as important. Finding that sweet spot between how many fitness classes your body needs vs. how many it can handle each week isn’t a one size fits all. And while our workouts are based on rounds of strength conditioning and treadmill cardio intervals, we also have double-floor spots available for those desiring a focus on strength conditioning only. In many cases our personal trainers may actually recommend this in order to achieve certain outcomes.
Here, our personal trainers of Body Machine Fitness offer free monthly 1-on-1 consultations in order to gain insights and offer a prescription into frequency of classes and weight ranges for different exercises, as well as macro guidelines in order to get you where you want to go.
How Often Should I Work Out for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain?
According to the current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults who wish to maintain their weight should dedicate at least two full-body muscle strengthening workouts and about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity and each week. The higher the intensity of the aerobic activity, the less time required.
Under those same guidelines, those who wish to lose weight are simply advised to do “more” than that. Nutrition is a big piece of this goal, and how far you want to go with all of it will depend of course on how much weight you want to lose. Again, our personal trainers will work with you hand-in-hand to layout a protocol customized for you.
While doing our workouts will undoubtedly bring great results, having a customized program will accelerate your results for the same amount of time and effort. For example, losing weight and gaining muscle are somewhat diametrically opposed to each other. Should you focus on weight loss first, or building muscle first? But don’t worry, our trainers will tailor the program to find the sweet spot for your individual needs.
Listen to Your Body. Trust Yourself.
HIIT workouts like we offer at BMF are a great way to meet your weight loss and muscle building goals efficiently since by definition, high intensity intervals followed by quick recovery periods already place you ahead of the weekly recommendation with just a few sessions each week.
Whether you are in the dedicated cardio portion of the workout or the weight-lifting segment, high intensity cardio bursts hold the key to success in both areas. And because we target different muscles in new ways each day, you will also get your full body strengthening needs met in every session.
So exactly, how many classes does this translate to?
The answer to that question is still going to depend on how your body feels. No one knows that better than you!
Check in with yourself to make sure you aren’t over-training and building in enough rest days (again, our trainers will help you!):
- Are you sore? (In a good way or in an I-might-have-injured-myself way?)
- Are you feeling irritable or fatigued? (could be lack of sleep but could also be a sign of over-training)
- Have you stretched or taken one of our recovery classes? (mobility and stretching is paramount)
- Do you need a break? (take it!)
- Are you dying to take an extra class this week? (come!)
For a beginner, three to four classes a week may be optimal in the beginning. But as you build endurance, you may find that five to six, or more HIIT sessions may start moving the needle faster. Some BMF addicts can come to class every day (and sometimes 2 times per day) with no issues at all.
And never forget, all of the trainers here are highly-skilled professionals who are eager to give guidance around all these questions and more. Whether you think you are doing much or need to do more, we got you!
Ready to see results? Join us for group fitness classes in Plano and Ft. Worth!
How Long Will It Take to See Results?
Have you ever done a ten-minute ab workout and immediately lifted your shirt to see if your six-pack is showing? No judgment–we’ve been there too. It’s natural to want immediate results when we start working toward any goal.
Let’s be blunt: you want your workouts to work for you. In an effort to get a chiseled bod as fast as possible, many newbies make the mistake of thinking that the more hours and energy they put into their physique, the better it will be.
This is a myth. You don’t need to spend two grueling hours a day in the gym to benefit from strength training. BMF’s 45-minute HIIT sessions are efficient and science-backed to get you quick results while having fun along the way. And by following your trainer’s recommendations, you can achieve your goals even faster. Even without personal coaching, because our workouts are so effective, many of our members notice improvements in their exercise performance and body composition after just 30 days.
Get Addicted
Working out should be a pleasure, not a punishment, and if you can safely do so, you should work out as much as you want—for many Body Machine Fitness members, that means five to seven days a week. No, we don’t cast a spell on them—we just use neuroscience to rewire the brain to crave exercise. See for yourself! Sign up for a free fitness class today.
(Warning: side effects may include big smiles and big gains.)
Workout Fusion: Cardio & Strength Training Benefits

When it comes to working out, most have a preference. Your friend that can run a casual 5K on a Saturday morning might not want to join you for an afternoon lift–and those three miles they conquer every weekend might be a bit more cruel than casual to you.
But what would happen if you left your preference for cardio or strength in the rear view?
The fusion of cardio and strength training has powerful benefits, not just physically, but mentally as well.
As you engage in the dynamic synergy of strength and cardio during a Body Machine Fitness class, you will experience a transformative impact not only on your physique but on your mental well-being. For us, it’s not just about lifting weights and getting your cardio in. We are giving you the keys to a realm where mental health is just as important as physical health, and where benefits abound.
For Better Overall Health, Say Yes to Workout Fusion
The combination of strength and cardio exercises is a holistic approach that promotes physical well-being and mental health. Performing them together offers a sustainable path to achieving and maintaining optimal fitness levels. Beyond the aesthetic gains, our members notice a difference in their day-to-day function, strength, stamina, and cognitive function.
Strengthen Your Body
Combining cardio and strength training can accelerate your overall fitness. As Dave Asprey put it in his Book, Headstrong, “It’s the happy marriage of two schools of fitness thought, and it might be more effective than either resistance or aerobic exercise alone.”
Research shows that HIIT workouts help gym goers:
Get fitter faster: Blending cardio and weight training gets you in shape more efficiently than either alone. Strength training increases your muscle mass and cardio improves your endurance. As a bonus, high intensity strength training (like every BMF class) burns extra calories for up to 72 hours after your workout.
Improve oxygen consumption: Once upon a time, we thought it took monotonous sessions of running and cycling to improve your body’s ability to use oxygen. Turns out, HIIT can do the same in a shorter amount of time. In fact, 8 weeks of workouts can improve oxygen consumption by 25%.
Reduce blood sugar: Research has found that combining strength training and cardio in a HIIT session reduces blood sugar and improves insulin resistance more than traditional exercise like swimming or cycling.
Growth Hormone: Studies published in the Journal of Obesity and the Journal of Applied Physiology have shown that “HIIT is up to 10 times more effective at increasing growth hormone than resistance training or endurance training.”
Strengthen Your Mind
As endorphins surge through challenging cardio intervals and strength-building exercises, mental clarity emerges. Neurology instructor Dr. Scott McGinnis from Harvard Medical School suggests that physical activity induces physiological alterations in the body, promoting the generation of growth factors. These substances influence the development of new blood vessels in the brain and contribute to the proliferation, resilience, and general well-being of fresh brain cells.
Strengthen Your Community
BMF is more than a gym—we’re a social club. The shared experience of workout fusion creates bonds that extend beyond class. As our members navigate the challenges of strength and cardio training together, a support network forms. Sure, you may come to BMF for fitness, but you’ll leave with a new family and a new outlook on exercise and life.
Check out our group fitness classes in Plano and group fitness classes in Ft. Worth where we push and pull our way toward better mental and physical health.
Feel the Groove. Be a Part of the BMF Community.
Body Machine Fitness isn’t just a workout; it’s a paradigm shift in the fitness narrative. It’s an acknowledgment that physical and mental well-being are intertwined, and a workout should elevate both.
Experience BMF, the world’s first gym to leverage neuroscience to make working out not only effective, but addictive. Be a part of something bigger than yourself.
What Happens to your Brain Before your First BMF Class

We know it can be a little intimidating to show up to a new place, especially a fitness gym, and especially if you haven’t worked out in a while or ever—and it’s perfectly normal! Don’t let a little nervous energy stop you!
Whether you’re just about to begin your first class at Body Machine Fitness, or simply flirting with the idea of coming from your couch—you are already ready to get out of that tired old comfort zone. You know you want to!
Our Community Calms Your Nerves
BMF is so much more than a fitness studio; we’re a community. We don’t care about what you look like or where you are on your fitness journey. What we do care about is providing a welcoming environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and safe.
Whether it’s your first fitness class ever or you are a Body Machine Fitness regular, everyone you encounter here is rooting for your strength and success.
To get your head in the game, we encourage you to:
- Arrive 20 minutes early.
- Bring a friend.
- Ask questions!
- Connect with your why.
The BMF Brain Game Begins
Now we get to the good part. The lights go down, the music begins, and your trainer is leading you through the first few minutes of our science-backed workout. Here’s what happens to your brain next…
Within the first five minutes, you’re already in the “priming stage” as your heart rate increases and blood pumps strongly in your veins. Twenty minutes in, you are sweating and smiling, and your earlier anxiety gives over to the bliss. By minute thirty, we bet you’re already considering booking your next class. But why?
BMF combines a nightclub-caliber light show with today’s hottest music to trigger the pleasure pathways of the brain as neurochemicals such as dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin, and serotonin alter your sense of well-being and euphoria sets in. Soon that earlier trepidation you had will be transformed into feelings of excited anticipation. It’s just basic science.
Our method also increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDFN), a by-product that helps regulate mood and improve memory even after the workout has ended.
Change The Way You Think About Fitness. For Good.
“Studies suggest that people who engage in a variety of new experiences are more likely to retain positive emotions and minimize negative ones,” says Zapata.
Body Machine Fitness is the ONLY gym in the world that uses neuroscience to rewire the brain to view working out as an activity you crave rather than a chore you tolerate.
Are you ready to trade anxiety and fear for excitement and fun?
Book your FREE CLASS now.