Featured Class

Lower Body Dynamic

Hey there, fitness fanaticsand leg-day lovers!

Fridays at Body Machine Fitness are reserved for Lower Body Dynamic Classes, where we dedicate 45 minutes to building and sculpting the glutes, hammies and quads.

Unlike Tuesday’s Lower Body Strength class, this class focusses less on heavy resistance training, and more on isolation, plyometric, and multi-directional movements. Here, we target every angle of the lower body to get the shape and booty bounce-factor everyone wants.



Rethinking Leg Day: The Power of Dynamic Movements

We get it – leg day can sometimes feel like a chore. The monotony of reps and sets can drain your enthusiasm and stifle your motivation. But what if we told you there’s a better, more engaging way to sculpt those legs? Well, there is when you incorporate dynamic movements in your lower body circuit workouts.

Unlike traditional static exercises, dynamic movements involve full-body engagement, functional patterns, and continuous motion. The result? A workout that is more fun, feels more natural, improves flexibility, and ignites muscles you never even knew you had.

Benefits of Lower Body Dynamic Exercises

Lower body dynamic exercises offer benefits that extend far beyond our studio walls. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast looking to spice things up or a beginner ready to get started, lower body dynamic exercises show up in every part of your real life.

Strong legs hold the answer to improved quality of life and greater independence as we age. When you incorporate lower body dynamic exercises into your regimen, you will enjoy benefits such as:

  • Enhanced muscle engagement
  • Increased cardiovascular intensity
  • Improved flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Better balance and stability
  • Mind-body connection
  • Improved coordination
  • After-burn effect

Work Your Mind and Body

Imagine this: you’re surrounded by energetic individuals, the music is pumping, your body is moving to the rhythm as a coordinated lightshow enhances the beat. This is how your healthy addiction begins.

Body Machine Fitness is known for our in-house music producer and lighting designer who together produce each day’s original “show.” This is the secret sauce, the neuroscience, that elevates the entire workout out of your body and into your mind.

BMF is currently the only group fitness studio using neuroscience to hack the brain. We do this by immersing our members in a choreographed sound and light show to stimulate the brain’s pleasure centers. Because this stimulation feels so good, you will come to crave it.

When you leave Lower Body Dynamics, you will feel stronger. But what you will predominantly feel is a sense of well-being, euphoria, love, and community.



What To Expect from Your First Class

Don’t be intimidated by this lower body class as it is designed for everyone, regardless of your group fitness background. Our instructors are all friendly and will be your biggest supporter down to your last set. If you need modifications to accommodate an injury or other physical impairment, just ask!

Whether you’re an experienced gym-goer or this is your first fitness class, when you enter the Transformation Room, you are instantly part of a collective, caring community. Making friends at Body Machine Fitness is practically guaranteed.

Join the Movement, Unleash Your Power

Ready to redefine your lower body workout routine? Our Body Muscle Fitness Lower Body Dynamic Group Fitness Class is your opportunity to embrace the challenge, connect with a supportive community, and conquer your fitness goals in style.

Step into a world where dynamic movements, group fitness classes, and expert guidance intersect for a workout experience like no other. Come be a part of the family and see why BMF was voted the Best Gym in the DFW in 2021 and 2022.

Ready for
your new Addiction?