2023 BMFSpartan Team



Saturday, April 1, 2023

Start Time

12:15 PM


McLane Stadium, Baylor University, Waco, TX


5K (3.1 miles), and 20 obstacles


~1 hour to complete race


Who Can Join?

ANYONE can join the BMF Spartan Team; you DO NOT need to be a member of BMF

Race Format

All BMF Spartan Team members will start at the same time, but we will not all finish at the same time. Racers should race at their own ability and pace. With our large team made up of all levels, you will not be alone!


FREE Spartan training workshops/workouts will be held every Saturday, 2/25 through 3/25 (5 workouts), 12:30pm to 2:0pm at the BMF Plano and Fort Worth studios. The first half of each class focuses on obstacle skills and strategy. The second half of each class is a circuit style workout.


Official BMF Spartan Team busses will be arranged, departing/returning to both the Plano and Fort Worth BMF studios. The post-race party on the bus will include drinks, snacks, and bragging rights!! You must be pre-registered for the bus due to limited space.

Plano Bus Departure: 9:15 AM, sharp
Fort Worth bus Departure: 9:30 AM, sharp


BMF Tanks

The official BMF Spartan Team tank is available for order! The tank is the same as last year. Need a red-hot tank, complete form below by 3/10/23. Stop by a BMF gym for sizing.


a) Spartan Race: $131 with promocode “BMF” (includes fees/taxes)

b) Transportation (not required): $30

c) BMF Spartan Team Tank (not required): $20

Due Dates

a) Spartan Race Registration: 3/10/23

b) Transportation Sign Up & Payment: 3/10/23

c) Tank Sign Up & Payment: 3/10/23


Team Captains

Kristin McNeff  |  214.563.0448  |  kristinmcneff@gmail.com

Jeremy Soder   |  214.738.6078  |  jsoder@bodymachinefitness.com

Race Registration

I.  Join the Spartan Community Page

Open the link, BMF Spartan Community Team Page, to join or confirm you are a member of the BMF Spartan Team.

II.  Purchase Spartan Race Ticket

  1. Open the link, Baylor Spartan Stadion Weekend, and select the “Ticket” button for “STADION 5K 20 OBSTACLES”
  2. Select the red button for “10:00am – 1:00pm OPEN”
  3. Choose any time slot. Spartan will adjust start times to ensure all BMF Spartan Team members have the same start time prior to race day
  4. Select the “Commit Now” button within the popup window to begin the check out process
  5. After completing the waiver portion,  enter “BMF” in the “Promocode” field to receive 30% off
  6. Follow on screen directions to complete purchase

III.  Assign Ticket & Team Up

  1. At completion of purchasing a race ticket above, select the “Assign Tickets And Team Up In Your Account
  2. Select the “Baylor Spartan Stadion 5K”
  3. Select “Run as a Team” button, then the “Create or Join Team” button
  4. Search and, or select “BMFERS”
  5. Congratulations! You are now part of an elite team and making history!

Transportation & BMF Tank Sign Up