What is Biohacking Your Body?

Biohacking is gaining popularity in fitness circuits and health circles because it’s not limited to one activity or a select group of people—anyone can biohack! Studies show that by altering aspects of our lifestyle and self-care routines, we can amplify our brain and body’s performance. In other words, biohacking allows us to tap into (or hack) our biology to increase vitality and enhance the quality of life.

Biohacking 101

Biohacking the Brain

Although the mind and body are intricately connected, biohacking can first be categorized into biohacks for the brain and biohacks for the body.

Brain-related biohacks include:

  • Consuming nootropics (cognition-enhancing supplements)
  • Brainwave entrainment
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy
  • Neurofeedback therapy
  • Meditation and breathwork
  • Regular exercise to stimulate BDNF production

Brain biohacks improve your ability to handle and manage stress, to process information, and your short- and long-term memory. As a result, your mental health improves, and you can experience life from a more present and peaceful place.

Body-related biohacks include:

  • Cryo-therapy, cold plunging and ice baths
  • Heat therapy and saunas
  • Training feedback tools
  • Vibration therapy
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) therapy
  • Red light therapy
  • IV, peptide, and hormone therapies

Combined with regular exercise, body biohacks assist with recovery and enable the body to perform with greater endurance and ability. Here are some benefits:

  • Enhanced Recovery: Speed up muscle recovery and reduce soreness.
  • Improved Endurance: Boost stamina and physical performance.
  • Increased Flexibility: Promote muscle relaxation and improve flexibility.
  • Pain Relief: Alleviate chronic pain and muscle stiffness.
  • Better Circulation: Enhance blood flow and cardiovascular health.
  • Detoxification: Eliminate toxins and improve skin health.

HIIT and BDNF Production

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a specialized protein produced by the brain, packing a heavy bevy of benefits. Often name-dropped in the biohacking universe, BDNF has been the subject of many studies because it promotes your brain’s ability to create neurons and neural pathways. That’s why a lot of brain biohacks seek to increase BDNF levels.

HIIT exercises have been proven to increase BDNF and promote a lifestyle that trains the brain to be more proficient in this protein’s production. A recent study determined that participating in a single HIIT workout can boost brain neuroplasticity within 20 minutes. Sound intriguing? We agree! Try out a free intro HIIT class for a blast of BDNF and experience it for yourself.

Biohacking with BMF

Drawing on the comprehensive insights from one of the world’s leaders in brain health, BrainTap, we’ve developed a proprietary neuro-based training method that takes High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to the next level by incorporating the synergistic effects of light, sound, and vibration. This innovative method is designed to enhance not only your physical fitness but also your cognitive function, creating a comprehensive body and mind workout experience

Top 5 Key Benefits:

Effective Workout Method

High Intensity Interval Training is the most effective and efficient workout for overall health and rapid body transformation, effectively shredding fat and building muscle. It stimulates more Human Growth Hormone (HGH) than any other exercise, aiding lean muscle growth. HIIT also produces the highest Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), keeping your body burning fat and repairing muscle for up to 36 hours post-workout.

Increased Neuroplasticity

Harnessing the power of light, sound, and vibration to stimulate various brain regions, our method enhances mental sharpness and focus. This increased acuity supports improved learning, memory, and cognitive function, translating into better performance both in and out of the gym, making your brain more resilient and adaptable.

Boosted BDNF Production

High-Intensity Interval Training is known to boost Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels, a protein essential for neuron survival and growth. The combination of intense exercise with the multi-sensory stimulation optimizes BDNF production, fostering greater neuroplasticity and cognitive resilience. 

Improved Sleep Quality

The specific light and sound frequencies used align with your circadian rhythms, promoting better sleep quality. Enhanced sleep contributes to overall recovery, better mood regulation, and improved cognitive performance.

Reduced Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

The combined effects of light, sound, and vibration have been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, and other disorders. Our method provides a natural, effective way to improve mental health and emotional well-being.

Our method is more than just a workout; it’s a comprehensive approach to enhancing both your physical and mental health. By leveraging the powerful effects of light, sound, and vibration, our method provides a unique and effective way to achieve your fitness goals while boosting cognitive function and overall well-being. Our method is ground-breaking, highly entertaining, and produces tangible and rapid results.

Body Machine Fitness incorporates brain and body biohacking techniques in the . In addition to the brain biohacking BDNF you get from regular HIIT classes, BMFers have access to an infrared sauna (body biohacking) at our Fort Worth location.

Lastly, the studio classes are specially choreographed I

Start Biohacking Your Body Today

If you’re incorporating these comprehensive aspects to your health and fitness, you’re biohacking and you didn’t even know it! Between the high-energy vibes and the positivity-drenched state of mind we encourage, it’s difficult to not be a BMF-obsessed biohacker.

Experience the future of fitness at Body Machine Fitness and unlock your body’s full potential. Join our fun fitness classes, work with our expert coaches, to start your biohacking journey today.