Are There Benefits to Running Backwards?

As fitness professionals, we’re always on the lookout for innovative training methods that can enhance performance and reduce injury risk. Recently, we’ve had our eyes on  backwards running, also known as retro running. While it may sound counterintuitive at first, the potential benefits of this technique are quite compelling.

Reduced Impact and Joint Stress

One of the most significant advantages of backwards running is the potential for reduced stress on joints, particularly the knees. Unlike forward running, where the heel typically strikes the ground first, retro running promotes a forefoot or midfoot landing. This can help distribute impact forces more evenly, potentially alleviating strain on the knees.

Enhanced Balance and Coordination

Running backwards challenges our proprioception, which is the awareness of our body position in space in a way that forward running does not.  Regular practice can lead to improved overall coordination and potentially reduce the risk of falls.

Increased Leg Strength

Retro running engages our muscles in a direction they aren’t used to moving. The unfamiliar movement reverses the order of muscle engagement. It particularly targets the quadriceps and calves, potentially leading to increased strength in these areas. As with any new exercise, those who try it will notice some soreness where they hadn’t had it before. That’s the good kind of post-workout sore; that means the exercises are working!

Cardiovascular Benefits and Calorie Burn

Running backwards challenges the cardiovascular system in a new way, potentially leading to improved endurance and stamina. Fitness experts suggest that incorporating backward running into a training regimen can enhance cardiovascular fitness due to the increased effort needed to move in an unconventional direction. This increased effort translates to a higher caloric burn.

Improved Posture

Retro running encourages a more upright posture, which can help counteract the tendency to lean forward during regular running. This upright stance can improve overall posture and reduce the risk of back and neck injury.

Mental Stimulation

The novelty of backwards running provides a fresh mental challenge. It requires increased focus on surroundings and body movements, which can make workouts more engaging and potentially improve mind-body connection.

Injury Prevention

Some physical therapists and trainers have begun incorporating backwards running into rehabilitation programs. The theory is that it can help strengthen muscles that might be underused in forward running, potentially helping to prevent imbalances that could lead to injury.

Bringing It All Together at Body Machine Fitness

Body Machine Fitness has redefined group fitness with an immersive environment that stimulates all your senses. Our approach is routed in neuroscience. With a nightclub-caliber light show synced with heart-pumping music, our classes are designed to flood your brain with the feel-good neurochemicals that turn your workout into an addictive, blissful experience.

Our world-class instructors bring unmatched energy and expertise to every session to keep you challenged and engaged. Whether it’s retro running, reverse lunges, backward sled pulls, or other multi-directional exercises, every class is designed to help you achieve optimal results.

Run Backwards Over to Your Nearest BMF Studio

We’re kidding! For those who want to try running backwards, please start gradually and make sure you’re in a safe environment. Let our certified trainers help you with that.

Everyone is welcome here whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just trying group fitness for the first time. If you live in Fort Worth or North Dallas, there’s a BMF studio near you waiting to welcome you in. And your first class is on us!